Use our Complaint Desk! Vent your frustration!

This is NOT an official Webkinz or Ganz site, it's a simple experiment in Web 2.0 consumer advocacy.
Leave your comment at our COMPLAINT DESK.

Of course, if you have good Webkinz news or tips to share, post on Success Stories & Helpful Hints.

Wondering why there are ads on this site? This is why.

Friday, December 9, 2011

What's up with was an experiment, redirected to this blog. Bought in 2008 and deactivated in 2011, it served it's purpose. The domain is no longer registered by me, but the site will be around until Google decides otherwise.

Neither my kiddos nor myself play on Webkinz much anymore, but HelpWebkinz will stay around - just in case.

As a reminder, I can't answer your questions about Webkinz, but I can give you a place to speak your mind. 

All that said, our complaint desk is still open for comments. The success story desk is open too.

(All this Webkinz talk gave me a hankerin' for Cash Cow. Wonder if I remember my password.) 

1 comment:

Customer Care Support Number said...

Nice Blog, thanks for sharing the valuable information.