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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Help Webkinz's Narrow Focus...For Now

Over the past few days I've been poking around online looking for info about Webkinz. At 12:28 am this morning, I realized I need to make sure this blog stays focused on the issue of Webkinz customer service. Otherwise, I'll spend way too much time on it.

As I've been reading, I've found Webkinz related articles dealing with the many aspects of kid friendly online worlds: a business slant, safety issues, their growth and a specific complaint about the consumerism taught by Webkinz. Then there are the lighter issues of actually playing on Webkinz. (Check out for more info about the fun part of Webkinz.) With all those options, I could easily spend several hours a day blogging about Webkinz. Oy vey.

Consider this post is my "note to self."

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