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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Inspiration for Help Webkinz

While my son worked through his frustration with things disappearing from his room, I searched online to see how others handled the issue. After finding the posts below and seeing the responses, I realized there might be a place on the web for Help Webkinz.

* Ganz Gate, @ I, Lamont (40 comments in series of posts)
* Hacking Webkinz @ Information Arbitrage (5 comments)
* Merry Christmas, but sorry, no Webkinz @ A Sunny Commune - Chen's Blog (25 comments)

Note these blogs are not Webkinz centric blogs. Neither are they mom blogs. I didn't realize it at first, but all these bloggers are professionsal men - a media professional/manager, a former Wall Street trader & current entrepeneur/investor, and IT engineer.

Why would these guys care if a stuffed animal's virtual world worked? Because children they care about were bummed out about Webkinz not working. Disappointed children = lost profit. Not Veruca Salt sad, but legitimate disappointment from a product not fulfilling expectations.

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